Litter of blacks and yellows (Belize X Bravo). Belize whelped 11 puppies (2 yellow males, 1 yellow female, 4 black males and 4 black females) on Sunday, March 7th.
Black Rock Bronson at 8 weeks old
Hope5604 & Steve and Susan Edwards - Colleyville, TX
8/16/04 Dale and LindaI wanted to give you a quick update re the development of Hope. I had her weighed this morning and she is now up to 46lbs. Her personality is unique in that she is just as sweet as can be yet she doesnt hold back at giving Halleour 2 yr old the business. Watching the two of them go at it is just hilarious. Bringing Hope into the mix has been great for the 2yr old as our older girl (the 9 yr old) has never had much interest in play. Ill send you some pictures when my next roll of film is developed.Hope also is quite bold as a retriever. She is what I call is a launcher when she hits the water and she is now making some fairly long retrieves. Thought you would be interested.
Hope5204 - Photo by Betty Baker of Liberty Creek Labs
Lucy5104 Lucy & Vicky, Zach, Blair and John Neddenriep Noblesville, IN
Boomer5104 & Nick, Leslie, Abby, Brian & Mitchell Singstock Cincinnati, OH
10/11/04 Just wanted to drop you two a line to let you know how well Champ (aka Boomer) is doing. He is a wonderful addition to our family. As I type, he is quietly sitting next to me. We go on many walks each day, and he has at times run up to 3 miles with either Leslie or me. He also loves to chase the frisbee and has caught it a few times. The boys love him very much. Nick (9) is very comfortable disciplining Champ, but Mitch (6) is having some dominance issues with Champ, nothing safety related. Champ and Abby (15 months) get along wonderfully well. He has not had any problems with her, and she loves to follow him around the house and sneak him some treats while she is eating. We have an underground fence. When not on it, he will swim in the creek on the side of our house. We have also had him in deeper water, and he swims very well. He socializes very well with other animals. He has been known to growl ferociously at the tame deer in our back yard, then high tail it into the garage. He is quite beautiful. We feel he will be a wonderful example of a lab and exactly what we were looking for. We have had no negative issues with him at all, except a few items that he has chewed. All said and done, I think he has had 2 or maybe 3 total accidents, all #1, and never in his 2 cages (one for the garage intermittently during the day, and one for sleeping at night in the boys room). I hope this email reaches you in good health. Thanks again, Brian and Leslie Singstock
Linda and Dale, I hope all is well with you and your four legged family and
may this Christmas bring you peace and joy. You gave me the most precious
gift nine months ago, my little Gracie. I have enclosed some photos so you
can see for yourself what a beauty she is. She's as beautiful as she's
intelligent. Full run of the house since she was 7 months old. She of course
she sleeps in the "big bed" and is spoiled rotten. Although it's hard to
call her spoiled when she gives far more love than she receives. She LOVES
to play with other four legged friends...she plays hard yet still like a
little lady. Within the first week home she came up with her own special
hello. She bows, I don't know where she picked that up from. She'll just
walk up to you and bow. It's funny because then the people bow. Gracie comes
to work everyday and even has her own fan club that stops in just to see
her. When she's with people there's a calmness that overcomes her. Just like
a lab that's passed the age of two. She knows she needs to be extra sweet
and clam when her 80 year old Mimi (grandma) is nearby...this could also
be because of the treats that usually follow. Every morning we set out for
work via McDonalds. She has a fan club there as well. From the time she was
8 weeks old they knew her name and had a treat ready. The bad thing about
that is she now thinks everyone who talks from a box has a treat for her.
Life is full of disappointments, this doesn't need to be one of them. I keep
extra treats in my car as any good mother would. Gracie loves to play catch.
I'll throw a toy and she throws it back. She has quite good aim. For Halloween
she wore 3 strands of pearls and a pearl tiara (Princess Grace). She sat
at the front door in amazement just wagging her tail never moving. Pretty
incredible for 7 months. All in all I guess you could say she's pretty fabulous
and it's only the beginning. Hopefully this year we will get her involved
as a greeter or therapy dog who will visit hospitals and retirement homes.
I'd be silly not to share her tenderness. I'm thankful everyday that
I was able to cut the mustard with Blackrock Kennels. She's the cats meow.
I miss my Emma very much, but I can't imagine a single day without Gracie.
I wish you litters and litters of little Gracie's. (That by the way is my
biggest compliment) Keep doing what ever it is your doing. You and your dogs
are fabulous!!
Gracie & Jamie Adams - Clarendon Hills, IL
5/2/04 Words can't even describe how I feel about her. Such a beautiful girl should have a beautiful name, We decided on Gracie and she already responds to it. Such a smart little girl. Today she held court in her yard and just finished a 20 minute soccer game with 10 kids. Of course she slept in the big bed and is a surfer girl in the car (back feet on the back seat with the front paws on the arm rest). She truly is a delightful little girl (pink collar and all). She has taught me a heart is big enough for two best friends. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Jaime
Bentley Adair43104 & Kyle and Karen Adair - Homer, MI
5/7/04 Wow, I can't believe that it's been almost a week already. The official name of our puppy is Bentley. I wanted something that sounded English, and I finally talked the rest of them into it! He's doing well, although he really missed his mommy the first couple of mornings and nights. He went to his first ballgame on Monday and impressed everyone by sleeping through the entire doubleheader. He had lots of fans, but wasn't awake to enjoy their attention! We enjoyed meeting you on Saturday and appreciated the time that you spent with us. He remembers as he still perks up whenever he hears keys jingling! Thanks, Karen
Sydney42604 & Melissa and Dave Simon - Noblesville, IN
6/2/05 Just wanted to say hello, Sydney is doing well, and is just the happiest little girl! Even though she's over a year now, she still has a bit of a puppy face. She's in excellent health and condition and loves our big, fenced in back yard now that it's warming up. We still remember how little she was when we came to get her, all of the puppies came out of the crate and she ran right under Dave's legs - almost begging to be picked. We made the perfect choice and thank you again for our little girl. See her latest glamour shots attached :) Melissa and Dave Simon
5/7/04 Sydney is adjusting well to her new home. She is a very smart girl who loves to retrieve already! Her sweet personality just shines when introduced to new people. She also loves being right by our side, no matter what we are doing and can't even stand it if we're out of her sight! On her first visit to the lake, she wanted to jump right in...of course we think she is still a little young, but we found out then she has no fear. Even when we give her a bath she just sits under the faucet and enjoys the water on her back. We can't wait until l she's old enough to swim, clearly she loves the water. She has grown so quickly it seems and we can't wait for the years to come with our sweet girl. Thank you so much. - Melissa, Dave and Sydney.
Sydney is just wonderful! The first six months were tough, she was very verbal and did not sleep through the night. However, now she is a joy and has really grown up. She loves to be around us and can't stand it if we put her in "Down Stay" and go to another room or part of the house. She is very interested and curious in all that we do. We can't thank you enough for this wonderful dog and your breeding expertise. Sydney is just like her mom because she has an overwhelming desire to please us. She also greets us, just as Belize did when we met her, brushing up against our legs and putting her head down softly. She is like her dad because she is full of energy, is very quick on her feet, and is very, very smart! We took her to First Friends for the training class (four week) and she excelled. They were able to teach her three additional moves, aside from the standard class tricks, because she was so advanced. She can now do three championship moves -- as they called them, a come and then "By Heel" move, a come -- down -- come move and a "let's go -- Stay -- move. She was very easy to train and is very easy to work with at home. We do her routine in the morning and at night. Sydney was also the demo dog for the novice class and had no problem staying in down stay for entire class, until she was called upon for demonstration -- and catching treats in mid air while holding her position and impressing the audience. She loves an audience.Again, thank you for letting us know about First Friends and for our beautiful, smart and dedicated puppy...I can't believe how old she is already!-Melissa and Dave Simon
Bailey42504 & Kirk, Claire, Kyle & Jo Taylor - Carmel, IN
5/1/04 Dale and Linda -We are having so much fun at our house these days - and, wow, our life and daily routines have certainly changed! Bailey is doing great. She has boundless energy . . . and then she collapses. It is amazing to see how she is already growing and changing - last night she slept through the whole night . . . . this morning she went down a long set of stairs for this first time. We just got our pictures back and there is a great one of the two of you with Bailey, Claire, and Kyle. We'll bring you a copy. Hope all at your place are doing well. Jo
7/9/04 Dale and Linda, Just wanted to update you on Bailey. We were
hoping that Claire would write you a letter but that hasn't happened yet
so you get me. Claire and Kyle are doing really well with the dogs. Kyle
and Claire have given the dogs nicknames. Bailey is "Slobbers" because she
makes such a mess after a drink. She is also called "Bellisimo," Italian
for beautiful, I think. Kyle really works on training and does a very good
job. Claire likes to play with the dogs, take them on walks and cuddle with
them. They are not always ready to cuddle but when they are Claire is there.
There is another picture of Claire and
Today Bailey and Biscuit finished all their shots at Dr. McDavitt's. She thinks they are doing great. Bailey is going on walks of about a mile every day and doing really well. She even remembers to sit when we meet strangers, well most of the time. Bailey loves the water and will jump in the wading pool and just have a blast! Claire loves her puppies. st. As you can see, the dogs are coming along and making progress. They obey more reliably and are going longer between needing to go outside. The longer we have them and the more stories we hear about other dogs the more it confirms our belief that you do a really good job with your dogs. We are very happy we were able to get our Bailey and Biscuit from you. We will be in touch.
Thanks for everything, Kirk Taylor
Gus42504 &Jim and Bonnie Greffet - Westfield, IN
I am getting more comfortable in my new home, and Jim & Bonnie are taking great care of me. This weekend we had a lot of people from out of town stay with us and it was exciting to meet all these nice folks. They all played with me and gave me lots of attention. I don't understand human-speak, but it sounded like several of them were trying to take me with them when they left. I'm glad that Jim & Bonnie didn't let me go, because I like it here a lot.We went to see Dr. McDavitt on Friday. At first I was kind of scared, but everyone was really nice. They gave me a shot, but I decided that I would be tough and not cry. When they trimmed my toe nails, I got lots of cookies to eat. They were yummy! I just hope they don't paint my nails - I'm not one of those 'metrosexual' dogs like you see on "Queer Eye for the Straight Dog". I have two dens at home. We have a cozy one in Jim & Bonnie's room where I sleep. This way if I wake up and have to go potty during the night I can let them know. They always bring me outside to my favorite spot. Then we go in and I go right back to sleep. Since I'm a growing boy, I need all the rest I can get. We also have a bigger den where I spend the days while Jim & Bonnie are at work. I realize that this is an important job. I keep watch out the window for any signs of trouble. Don't tell Jim & Bonnie, but sometimes I take a little nap during the day. They live in a pretty save neighborhood, so I think it's ok that I take a break occasionally.When we go outside, I like to sit in the yard and guard the house. Bonnie took a picture of me this weekend while I was on watch. I hope you like the picture attached.I miss Belize and Bravo, and both of you very much. But, I am very happy in my new home. I am looking forward to puppy kindergarten next week. I am going to be brave and not cry at my first day at school. Jim & Bonnie have told me that if I work really hard and do my homework, that I might be the barkadictorian of my class. I'm going to try very hard to be the best dog in the class. I'll write again soon,Gus
Cooper42504 & Kirsten and Mona Ast - Loveland, OH
6/8/04 Hi Linda and Dale:I just wanted to send you an update of my status. First of all let me tell you that I miss you both.It's been a lot of fun around here. Everyone still wants to treat me like a puppy and as you will see from the attached photo's, I'm looking pretty good. I now weigh 25 lbs and have had all my shots except for one more set. I hate to get those but I know it's for my own good. I have completely learned to go out side to the bathroom. For some reason everyone here thinks that's a big deal. To me, it's just natural. All I had to do was train Kirsten to the fact that I was a puppy and had to go all the time. I have to give her credit though, every night she would get me up to go, even when she had a early class. She's the greatest. She always feeds me, she takes me outside to play, when she goes to work at the vet's office she takes me with her and I get to play with all the other dogs that come for day care. Everyone at the office just loves the heck out of me but when you see my latest pictures, you'll know why. When I get home, I can barely eat I'm so tired. Fred went out and bought me a ton of play toys including a training bird that you will see in the attached picture. I'm getting pretty good considering they bought one that was bigger than my head, not to mention my mouth. But I understand that I will grow in to it, so I will just make the best of it. Do I look like a Lab Retriever or what. Fred was so proud of me when I brought it back to him 8 times in a row. They also went out and bought me a little pool that I can play in when it's hot out. It's nice here guys, so don't worry about me. Everything is fine and I can certainly tell they all love me here, except maybe the two Shih Tzu's (my weird looking sisters). They still don't know how to take me yet, but they know I'm here to stay so they'll come around. Love, Cooper
Duce42504 &Tim and Amy Hampton - Zionsville, IN
Hannah Ellsworth (Dale's great niece) first puppy experience: Hannah5
Hannah and Bravo's pups at 7 weeks
Gus with Lisa at 7 weeks: GusLisa42404
Bailey at 6 weeks old: Bailey41804, Baileykids04, Baileylove04
Cooper at 6 weeks old: Cooper
Bailey and Gus at 6 weeks old: BelBra41604
Puppies at 28 days old: BelBra4404
Home: blackrocklabs
Updated 6/2/05 at 6:45 p.m.